Fall Homeschooling
Summertime is a time of relaxation. It is time to sit back and enjoy beautiful weather, ease up on the rules a bit, get a break from your homeschooling routine, and maybe even take a fun family vacation! Unfortunately, all good things eventually come to an end. With summer break wrapping up though, it is time to start thinking about the upcoming fall homeschooling year. If you are struggling to get motivated to start homeschooling this fall, you are certainly not alone! Here are some great tips to help get you motivated for the new school year.
Stock Up On Back to School Supplies
Now is the time when stores begin advertising all sorts of school supplies at discounted prices. From office supply stores, to department stores, and even drug stores, you will find pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, crayons, glue and so much more on sale. Make a list of all of the items you will need and scope out the best prices. Who doesn’t feel motivated after crossing items off of your list while saving money at the same time?
Organize and Freshen Up Your School Area
If you are homeschooling your kiddos, chances are that you have designated a particular area in your home to be your classroom. Whether it is a spare bedroom, a portion of the basement, or even part of the kitchen, be sure to add some new scenery. Put up motivational, and inspirational quotes on the wall. Organize your supplies and books. Get your “classroom” prepped, and ready to begin this coming school year.
Ease Into Your School Routine
Over the summer, many people let their routines go and find a new normal. Breakfast is whenever everyone wakes up. Lunch is whatever you have on hand that day and baths and bedtimes are often pushed back or forgotten about. As summer comes to an end, it is time to start getting back into your old routines. Waiting until the day before you start your curriculum is going to be much worse than slowly easing back into your old normal. Start setting your alarm clock a little bit earlier each day. Make sure that everyone gets their morning tasks out of the way, right after rolling out of bed. Toss in a little extra reading time each day. Move up bedtime, slowly until your kiddos are going to bed at a decent time again.
These are some basic tips to help you ease back into the school year at home. I hope you are taking it one day at time and that this school year you are blessed beyond belief.
In His Grace,
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